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DSD Management

The DSD module has several advanced features to support related business process. DSD is commonly deployed Cost Management.  For example, most implementations make use of the cost zones for cost management, but they may not be using DSD vendor schedule.  

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Model / Cost Zone management

For medium to large retailers (50 stores or more), this functionality can be important.  It allows vendor to create their own store groups (Models/ cost zones).

New Store Management:  This functionality allows retailers and vendors to assign new stores to an existing zone or create new zone.

Assortment / Item authorization

This process allows vendor to submit authorization request for items against the cost zones.   When the Category Manager reviews the item, the system also flags assortment conflicts (two DSD vendors submitting same item to same store).  When a conflict occurs, Category manager can choose one of the vendors as the main supplier and leave the others as secondary suppliers. 

Zone/Store level Cost management

If the vendor is enabled for zone management, they can submit costs at the zone level. For smaller implementations, cost management shall be carried at the store network level or at the individual store level.

Vendor Schedule Management

This allows vendors to manage their own service contracts (lead time, ordering days, time etc..).  This can be particularly useful if the vendor is enabled for CGO/store replenishment in the backend ERP system.

DSD provides of the ROI for large retailers with a DSD operations.  The features are tied to most common and best practices adopted in the US for DSD management.  This combined with invoice management module pretty much covers all the major business processes for a retailer’s DSD operations.

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